Monday, June 25, 2012

We have arrived. Period.

Well we have arrived at last! Wow! The first thing I must say is the place we are staying at reminds me of a log cabin in the great Colorado mountains! Which, if you know me at all you know how much I adore the Rockies. Side note for my mom & dad.... it smells like pine here, it's dry weather, pine trees and right now we are sitting on a rock type structure overlooking some mountains... you would love it mom & dad. We left our house Sunday morning bright & early at 4amish. Got to New York City at 10amish. We hit the town. We took some time for a meal in Little Italy fantastic! Then the ladies headed over to Chinatown & got us some knock off name brand purses. Yes we did haggle them down. After that we took in a broadway show called "Jesus Christ Super Star". We were all less than impressed with this particular show. Sadly. We had amazing seats, seventh row from the front so at least we had that. After the show we went onward to Central Park & then Ground Zero. Freedom Tower was huge & amazing. I mean HUGE. It was so great seeing Ground Zero at this state because I have seen it from the rubble stage, to rebuilding, to seeing the final building not yet quite finished, but getting there. We headed back to Newark to board our plain to Israel. It was interesting cause you had to go to a special area with extra security because of Israeli law. The flight was less than interesting. We slept & watched movies that's about it. Once we got close to Israeli air space we were prohibited from getting out of our seats. Interesting. So that's our getting here in a nutshell. It is a spectacular evening right now. We're overlooking one of the most beautiful spots outside of Tel Aviv. They have it as a national preserve & I can see why. I am weary, a little sick still, loopy but oh so ready for this moment that will mark my life. I can't wait to take a shower so good bye for now. ~Shalom~ Pictures to follow another day. I will try to post one to Facebook tonight if this iPad will let me.


  1. Oh man, I am SO excited for ya'll!! I already have a million questions. Tell Randy I want a "Jesus was here" T-shirt if you come across one. I'm sure you guys are tired, but so excited to soak everything in for teh next few days. Love ya'll and praying for the whole group!
