Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The prayer of the righteous man availeth much...

(Pictured: NASA photo of the Cairo, Tel Aviv & Amman. Tel Aviv, where we will arrive is in the upper right area. You can also see the Nile throughout this photo. Cool huh?).

Hello All!
Well we are really on the countdown for this trip. I am so encouraged & excited with the response that some of you have taken in my little life right now with this trip. You each are amazing & I wish I could take you with me. My theme song right now for my life is "I Need Thee Every Hour". Ha. Seriously,  life right now is just cRaZy!!! I am sure some of you can understand that statement. Please be in prayer for our travels that they would be smooth & without any 'bumps'. We leave before the crack of dawn on Sunday morning. Our flight leaves Houston International at 5:40am. So we are planning on getting there at 4am & those of you that know Randy & myself... well this will be a stretch. :) Pray for God's healing touch on both Randy & myself. We are both snotting/coughing/sneezing/scratchy throat & everything right now so we need to be 100% by the time we take off. Please be in prayer for our housing situation. The moment we land we will get our little boy & begin packing like there is no tomorrow & moving into our new casa (wherever it may be, ha). Yet another prayer, a major prayer for this mama. Pray for Boston. This will be his first time away from both Randy & I for more than 1 week. He has a good case of separation anxiety so the hand off to my parents may be a bit rough. So just be praying for him & that God would help him during this time. I believe he will fantastic, being spoiled by his Marmie & Pappy! In fact, he may get bored once he returns home with us. :) Heck, pray for me & my separation anxiety from Boston. Hehe. I am completely excited about this trip. I am excited to step where my Lord, Savior, friend & most Holy God stood. It doesn't even seem real that this is going to happen. I want you each to know that this is beyond my wildest dreams & you all are a part of making that happen whether through prayer, financial support or both. So thank you times a million. My blogs on this trip may be short, jumbled with feelings/emotions, not very often, too often, full of horrible spelling, grammatically incorrect... whatever, but know that they will be from my heart. I will do my best to post UNEDITED photos from the trip as often as possible. (The photographer in me hates to put unedited photos up, but I can hear my mother saying "we don't care what they look like, we just want to see them"). If you wish to leave a comment please do so. To myself or for our entire group, I am sure we will need the encouragement. Just remember to sign your name in your post or else we won't know who it is from. You can create an account if you want so that it will automatically sign your name, but if you wish not to just sign your name at the end of your comment. Again, thank you all for your support. More to come......................



  1. We are praying for y'all and look forward to seeing where God leads.

    Matt and Stephanie

    1. Thanks Stephanie! So good of you to leave a comment already! Hehe.

