Monday, July 2, 2012

I went sailing today!

Well we're on the home stretch. Can't even believe it. This has been a very slow trip & yet oh so fast. While this isn't my last blog, not yet. It is going to be very reflective as to what I have experienced. I still find myself in moments of "am I really here?" this just doesn't seem real still. I know that once I arrive in Houston & have a few weeks, perhaps a month I will "open" the pages of this time & read about my adventures here & all the layers of wisdom & understanding that God was so faithful to share with me. Honestly there just hasn't been enough time for me to reflect on all that God has shown me & done for me on this trip. I just know I will be studying this trip for... well forever. I have begun to pray for you all, that God would not only place it on your heart to come here, but that He will require it from you much like he did me. I believe that what he requires from you he will provide for you to. You can't escape him here, he is literally all around. Visual reminders every step you take, truly. He is a beautiful God, full of amazing truths. Quite literally full of them. I could never tell you all that I have learned from this trip, you MUST experience it for yourself. Trust me you won't regret it. Oh that you would desire Him so much so that you would see where he lived, walked where he walked, saw what he saw. Similar to what many of you reading this blog have experienced at one point in your life, you fell in love. You wanted to get to know your' loves' culture, see their town they grew up in, taste their cuisine etc... How much more should we desire this from our heavenly groom? I have gotten to do this. What an honor, what a privilege. He has been so good to me here. His loving kindness is all around me. I am almost more than confident that I will visit again in my lifetime, if the Lord allows. Please take some time (yes even now, quit reading this blog) & ask our fantastic & most worthy Heavenly Father where he wants you to be oriented. Does He require this specific trip from you?  Today we took a glorious boat ride on thenSea of Galilee. We took some time while on the boat & worshiped our Lord. Our pastor played his guitar & we worshiped Jesus out there on the sea. It was amazing. After that we traveled on to 'primacy of Peter' (John 21) & then to Capernaum. We got to see the "room/house" that Jesus stayed in. What a simple & humble man he was/is. I enjoyed seeing this area. We had a 'short' day today. We came back around 4 and got to swim in the Sea of Galilee. It was relaxing & refreshing. We ate dinner together, celebrated one of our group members birthday & visited. Tomorrow will be quite different, we will have a longer day, going to visit about 6-8 different sites I believe. Whooooo this makes me tired to even think about. Once were done with tomorrow we will then pack our bags & get ready to leave on Wednesday evening, but not before we have a full day of course :) so I'm not sure that you will hear from me tomorrow evening or not, but hopefully once we arrive at the Tel Aviv airport I will be able to blog. If not then, Thursday morning once we arrive to Newark, NJ airport. Ha. Just leaving room for exhaustion that's all. Again, please continue praying for me & much love to you all! ~Eleanor~

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I was able to upload some pictures to my Facebook page. You can view them without being a member. Please go look at them. Some of you have said it was too difficult to post a comment on the blog. I encourage you all to email me the comment or comment on Facebook as others have. I get them that way. :) We have now moved onto the Sea of Galilee. We are literally staying right on the sho, kinda cool. Today we left early this morning. We went to look at the Road to Emmeous, Nazareth, Ceasorea, Mt. Carmel. Full day yet again. I have been enjoying the evening just relaxing. Not much to tell today. So I just will be short & go catch some sleep! Such needed sleep! Thank you all for your prayers, please continue to send them our way. Love to you all! ~Eleanor~